19 March 2009

Some Visuals

A black and white acrylic painting I did in a design class during my "Crow Period." It is derived from a photograph taken at City College.

I hope you recognize this structure. It is black, white and yellow acrylic; view is from Marin toward San Francisco.

18 March 2009

Separated (poem)

Separated from love,
I access only
Other people’s words.
Mine are locked up

Perhaps in imagined agency
As if to open, and to say
The word “opening”
Were the same.

Deepest longing
Cannot be uttered, but
Only painted
As a window shutting
Out rain.

Like others divided
I stare mutely skyward,
The wish sticks to my tongue.
Water slides over my eyes.

I would like to say
But won’t, that
It’s unbearable,
This centrifuge,
This disease.

Yet I remain.
Seeking what is essentially
Painting it.

Rising and falling
From this canopy
Of fictions,

Safe and unsound
On the ground.

song 2 (my animals) (poem)

we are each a zoo
perimeter of cages
full of moving,

these days my animals,
realize where they are

against the absence
of bars
they resound

still looks
like the same
zoo charging
the same prices,
the same morning,
still looks like
visitors, are staying
on the pathways mostly
trying to reach through,
leaving behind more or less

the morning
looks the same

but here
surrounded by
blue night

without audience
my animals

09 March 2009

The Kind of Shenanigans We Get Up To

Yesterday we had our send-off for our two friends Rachel and Sharon who are heading to Spain soon for their 3 month ordination retreat. (I will be on the retreat also.)

We sang some silly songs which have now been immortalized on youtube:

Hallelujah for Rachel
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