Teaching 2010

The most up-to-date version of my teaching schedule is on SFStressReduction.com

The following events are at or offered by the San Francisco Buddhist Center unless otherwise noted. As the date approaches they'll be listed on the SFBC calendar page:

Weds, June 2 & 9, 7-9pm — "To Have or Have Not: Sexuality and Spiritual Life."Two weeks of talks and discussions exploring the Buddhist ethics of craving and contentment especially as related to the Third Precept: “"I undertake to abstain from sexual misconduct; with stillness, tranquility and contentment, I purify my body.”" Open to all. Part of a year-long series exploring creativity in life through the practice of Buddhist ethics & the five precepts.

Weekend Mindfulness Retreat at Seeley Lake, Montana — July 30-August 2
More info from Tejavani: cmcmillan [at] montana.com

Meditation and Creative Writing Workshop. Sept 1, 7-9pm.

Eight-Week evening courses in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction,
downtown San Francisco

Start dates: January 21 (free intro Jan 14) and Sept 28 (free intro  evening Sep 21).
Courses are Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:45pm, Sept course ends Dec 4 (skipping 10/19 & 11/23) with a daylong

: Saturday, Nov 13, 9:30am-4pm

October 1-3, Beginner's Mind Retreat

Oct 9, 8:30-9:30pm -- one of 6 poets reading at the Litcrawl event at the SFBC

Nov 2 Day of the Dead Festival of Altars
December — A weekend retreat on the Heart Sutra and a weeklong meditation retreat in New Hampshire


April -- "Watching Inside"...or "Inner Media" (title TBA!)A group art installation: Sitting meditation in the window of Artists Television Access.

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