11 October 2010

The Bodhisattva's New Shoes (poem)

We had a great spoken word event the other night--Lit Crawl in a packed out meditation hall in the SF Buddhist Center. In one hour, six of us read poems and short fiction. If you're a Buddhist and would like to apply for next year, get on the email list of the Buddhist Center and we'll send you the call for entries when the time comes.

This is the last poem I read. Song was the second.

The Bodhisattva's New Shoes

Mark these words cabrones:
I will come back again and again
and loving dogs will chase me
yapping and jumping.
I’ll come not in a saffron robe
but in boots made from
car tires, recycled titanium
and a cowboy hat when
it’s raining.

Not clinging but singing
(a virtual Julie Andrews twirling on a hill)
a bike with leaking fork seals
(Europe and Asia’s waited-for
beginner mind)
(and loving dogs will chase me)

The occupants of this this this
world however it is will be my
lovers the pigs the birds
hedgehogs foxes bald
people in hospitals devas
Anonymous Sex and Love Addicts
whispering behind walls

Todo el mundo sera mi amante, seƱores
and I won’t try to teach it anything, ever,
(I will only love it)
(a howler monkey in Dolby)
(the vibrations of joy from my laughter
will soothe the psychoanalysts in the hell realms)

A gentle kiss
pure love steaming out the front end
of a vehicle
which is the unadorned body
the soft strong body
(think of loving dogs)

like this
like steam, like the sweet smoke of a
Cuban cigar, radiating up, sinking down,
in this this this world
returning again
coming back

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